Tuesday, May 22, 2012

5 Random Facts About Me

1. My real shoe size is 34.

            --this size is relative halfway between the kids' and adults' size. Yes, I have small feet. Despite the fact that it's a tiny bit big, I wear size 35 shoes with select designs(hides the size gap). xD

2. I blink my eyes rapidly when I see something weird in front of me.

           --whether its an obvious PDA or just about anything so weird, I blink several times as an expression of my 'tsk tsk' or 'what in the world...?' reaction.

3. If I had millions worth of cash, I'd spent most of it in books and build a library.

            --- My books are literally my treasure. In my daily life, I spend a large portion of my allowance buying books. Say I had P500. If I had to buy a blouse, I'd have second thoughts buying. Take me to a bookstore and give me really good books and I won't bat an eyelash in spending P500 immediately. One of my dreams is to have a separate room as a library in my future house.

4. When I'm really pissed, I curse and I swear.

            ---As a general rule, I do not swear. I dislike swearing and people who seem to make it a daily mantra. And rarely do I get really angry. I can be be so irritated and annoyed, but those things I can control inside my head. When I'm pissed beyond anything, I spit out a few choice swear words. But I still end up berating myself after.

5. I want to learn archery, more than anything.

            ---I am definitely not athletic. But if there was a sport I'd willingly learn, its archery. A true-blue Sagittarius, I am fascinated with archery. I would love to learn it, to earn a title of archer, even just to be an amateur one.

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