Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Standard of Standards

"One crucial quality that every person should have is being able to set a standard for himself."

       If we look at it in an academic perspective, the passing grade is the standard to which everyone conforms to. They must live up to that standard and earn a total passing grade or higher to pass the subject. Any point or decimal lower will be your failure.

       That said, education really makes one good example of setting standards. It teaches us to push ourselves and work hard to earn that grade. The extra effort has to be made; sleepless nights, reading assignments and allot spare times for projects just to keep us from failing. Subjects demand that our level of knowledge should be no lower than the passing mark.

       As students, we complain a lot about passing marks. There might be even more reason to because it also has something to do with discipline and a lot of hard work. It is naturally difficult to live up to such, but we have to, for the subject, our future and of course, ourselves. It is good to set up these standards to be sure that we are ready for the next level.

       On a personal level, a person himself also has to set their standards, in most of what they do. You will see a lot of successful people become that way because they use the best of what they can in most situations they're in. A goal-oriented person set their sights on objectives, they work their to achieving those objectives, and always try to keep their performance level up.

       Being able to set standards is drawing the line between success and failure. We have standards because we don't want to settle anything less than what our ability can achieve, and sadly a lot of people don't have that motivation. it's a good thing to have them because we are happier with ourselves and our performances, and thus less regrets. Our choices should also conform to our standards; we should always go for the better option.

       There are many motivations behind standards. No matter, what it is, it should push us to do things with the best of our abilities. This creates a domino effect. When someone has standards, other people around them in one way or another have to live up to that standards. Example, when more people demand quality clothing, tailors and dressmakers will have to conform to that standard else their sales will be jeopardized.

       And if more women demand a gentleman, the rest of the male population will have to adjust else they'll find themselves celibate for the rest of their lives.

       And one thing we also have to realize is that we deserve quality of any kind. BUT, we ourselves have to be a quality person as well before we demand it. We ourselves have to grow into a respectable person who constantly wants to see the best of himself in their actions. To seek respect, we earn it first. That's the principal rule of starts. The right to demand quality lies in those who have earned that right. After all, creating standards should be an affecting activity.

       We are all people capable of achievements if we only have to get up on our feet and do the best we can. We cannot deny ourselves anything lesser than what we should have because the world offers a vast amount of options, we can always have something better.

       Better things and bigger opportunities come with standards.

Friday, December 28, 2012


       Ever since my Christmas eve got ruined, the next days just also didn't go well.
       I practically wanted to get out of the house, but at the same time, I didn't want to go out either.
       I've reached the point where I just don't want to come out of my room at all and just stop thinking altogether. My mind is plagued with so many mixed emotions that I can hardly figure out myself and what exactly was I feeling. One of the few consolations I had was going out with my childhood best friends.
       Here I am again, my day not turning out so well. Everything is mixing up; the frustrations, disappointments, tiredness and who knows what else.
       I'm going to go in hibernate mode.

      Oh yes, I am anything but happy right now.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Surprises. Surprises. Surprises.

Who doesn't adore surprises?

       Everyone loves them. A surprise is cake on a bouquet. It's unpredictable, but it's absolutely wonderful.

       Everyone can be surprised on their birthdays, and other big celebrations being expected. Big bouquets of  flowers, pre-arranged parties, chocolates, cards and other sweet things can just about make someone's day.
Hmmm. A must-read, perhaps?

       One challenge about surprises though, is that we have to learn to be unpredictable. Too often, people fall into the same patterns and habits, that their surprises become something to expect. Bouquets of roses on a couple's anniversary? Very customary. It might be your surprise, but a girl is just about expecting it three days ago. Why not try lilies on a bucket? Or a basketful of flowers on her doorstep?

      The essence of surprises is the amount of effort taken into thinking about the surprise, with a lot of thought about what the loved one would really like. Sticking to the usual habits isn't going to impress someone in the long run. But an extra amount of thinking and effort into something new each time is all worth it. Because you are showing that you love someone, wouldn't it make sense to put an effort into something that would really make them happy and appreciate you more? I'm sure there are tons of ideas.
That's definitely awesome. *.* 

       Above all, be it big or small. Don't lose opportunities to surprise someone on their special day. Any effort put into something will be very appreciated. Surprises aren't so common anymore these days. It's great to be surprised and to be able to surprise.

I'd sure love tickets on a flight to Paris. *cough cough* Err.. A snickers bar will do. Heee. :D 

Can you say unconventional? xD