Don't mistake me, though. I have been in love. My first took me about 2 years to get over. And through that experience, I have learned so much. I've laughed so much and I've cried so much. But life goes on, and we'll always have ourselves and our Loving Father up above.
I've searched a bit about this topic and I saw what people had to say about this: Is there more to life than love?
Here are some answers:

"Love doesn't necessarily have to be found within a person, if that is what you're saying. Love can be found within simple things: traveling, a hobby, art, religion, or life itself. Life shouldn't be spent looking for Love, but letting Love find you."
"There's many aspects of life yes, but when everything comes down to the big picture it is love we look for. What's many people goals, to have a career they love or to start a family one day which both of these are based off love. Some people aren't as fortunate and may not be able to do or afford the things they want to do so therefore have a negative perspective on life and love. But if you could have no limits and do everything you wanted, it would all be based on love. Whether is be the car you really want or to go somewhere you really want to go, it's all based off what you love in your dreams to happen. So yeah there's tons of more things out there in life, you don't always have to grow up looking for your soulmate to start a family with, that's the typical route to choose but some people can be much happier just focusing on a career or being alone in life. In generalization though, when it comes down to it love is what we all seek in the end."
In this post, I am referring to romantic love. It saddens me to think that some people commit suicide because of love, specifically if the ones they love leave them. Life doesn't end when love does. This is not the definition of life.

“It is not because the truth is too difficult to see that we make mistakes... we make mistakes because the easiest and most comfortable course for us is to seek insight where it accords with our emotions - especially selfish ones.”
-- Alexander Solzhenitsyn quotes (Russian novelist, Nobel Prize for Literature)
“The sign of an intelligent people is their ability to control their emotions by the application of reason.” --Marya Mannes

I find happiness in so many things. I look around me and see how perfectly life works. I lounge around in my room and feel how peaceful it is.
I will not deny that I sometimes feel lonely. Yes, I do have my friends, but as you grow older you'd think about what would it be like to have a boyfriend. I think about that I lot. But I'm not ready yet, and I can't rush love when it isn't your time yet. Remember, let love find you because it knows where you are and when you should have it. Romantic love is wonderful, but it is not parallel to life. Life doesn't end when the one you love leaves you. I think it's pretty pathetic to throw your life away when it happens. There is simply so much wonderful things to experience. There are more people around you who love you than your one boyfriend/girlfriend.

Life goes on even after relationships end and couples break up. True strength is being able to withstand the great force of the wind, all the while bending in humility like the grass. We have to endure because it's all part of what we experience in life. We don't have to resort to drastic measures, or destroy our lives over one relationship that ended. We can't throw away the life we built for ourselves because of it.
We lived happily before we had relationships. Life continues even after that.
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