Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Standard of Standards

"One crucial quality that every person should have is being able to set a standard for himself."

       If we look at it in an academic perspective, the passing grade is the standard to which everyone conforms to. They must live up to that standard and earn a total passing grade or higher to pass the subject. Any point or decimal lower will be your failure.

       That said, education really makes one good example of setting standards. It teaches us to push ourselves and work hard to earn that grade. The extra effort has to be made; sleepless nights, reading assignments and allot spare times for projects just to keep us from failing. Subjects demand that our level of knowledge should be no lower than the passing mark.

       As students, we complain a lot about passing marks. There might be even more reason to because it also has something to do with discipline and a lot of hard work. It is naturally difficult to live up to such, but we have to, for the subject, our future and of course, ourselves. It is good to set up these standards to be sure that we are ready for the next level.

       On a personal level, a person himself also has to set their standards, in most of what they do. You will see a lot of successful people become that way because they use the best of what they can in most situations they're in. A goal-oriented person set their sights on objectives, they work their to achieving those objectives, and always try to keep their performance level up.

       Being able to set standards is drawing the line between success and failure. We have standards because we don't want to settle anything less than what our ability can achieve, and sadly a lot of people don't have that motivation. it's a good thing to have them because we are happier with ourselves and our performances, and thus less regrets. Our choices should also conform to our standards; we should always go for the better option.

       There are many motivations behind standards. No matter, what it is, it should push us to do things with the best of our abilities. This creates a domino effect. When someone has standards, other people around them in one way or another have to live up to that standards. Example, when more people demand quality clothing, tailors and dressmakers will have to conform to that standard else their sales will be jeopardized.

       And if more women demand a gentleman, the rest of the male population will have to adjust else they'll find themselves celibate for the rest of their lives.

       And one thing we also have to realize is that we deserve quality of any kind. BUT, we ourselves have to be a quality person as well before we demand it. We ourselves have to grow into a respectable person who constantly wants to see the best of himself in their actions. To seek respect, we earn it first. That's the principal rule of starts. The right to demand quality lies in those who have earned that right. After all, creating standards should be an affecting activity.

       We are all people capable of achievements if we only have to get up on our feet and do the best we can. We cannot deny ourselves anything lesser than what we should have because the world offers a vast amount of options, we can always have something better.

       Better things and bigger opportunities come with standards.

Friday, December 28, 2012


       Ever since my Christmas eve got ruined, the next days just also didn't go well.
       I practically wanted to get out of the house, but at the same time, I didn't want to go out either.
       I've reached the point where I just don't want to come out of my room at all and just stop thinking altogether. My mind is plagued with so many mixed emotions that I can hardly figure out myself and what exactly was I feeling. One of the few consolations I had was going out with my childhood best friends.
       Here I am again, my day not turning out so well. Everything is mixing up; the frustrations, disappointments, tiredness and who knows what else.
       I'm going to go in hibernate mode.

      Oh yes, I am anything but happy right now.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Surprises. Surprises. Surprises.

Who doesn't adore surprises?

       Everyone loves them. A surprise is cake on a bouquet. It's unpredictable, but it's absolutely wonderful.

       Everyone can be surprised on their birthdays, and other big celebrations being expected. Big bouquets of  flowers, pre-arranged parties, chocolates, cards and other sweet things can just about make someone's day.
Hmmm. A must-read, perhaps?

       One challenge about surprises though, is that we have to learn to be unpredictable. Too often, people fall into the same patterns and habits, that their surprises become something to expect. Bouquets of roses on a couple's anniversary? Very customary. It might be your surprise, but a girl is just about expecting it three days ago. Why not try lilies on a bucket? Or a basketful of flowers on her doorstep?

      The essence of surprises is the amount of effort taken into thinking about the surprise, with a lot of thought about what the loved one would really like. Sticking to the usual habits isn't going to impress someone in the long run. But an extra amount of thinking and effort into something new each time is all worth it. Because you are showing that you love someone, wouldn't it make sense to put an effort into something that would really make them happy and appreciate you more? I'm sure there are tons of ideas.
That's definitely awesome. *.* 

       Above all, be it big or small. Don't lose opportunities to surprise someone on their special day. Any effort put into something will be very appreciated. Surprises aren't so common anymore these days. It's great to be surprised and to be able to surprise.

I'd sure love tickets on a flight to Paris. *cough cough* Err.. A snickers bar will do. Heee. :D 

Can you say unconventional? xD

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Finding Yourself is Harder Than it Looks

If you ask me, I know I'm nowhere near truly being myself.
Looking at the whole picture, I've spent my entire life mostly living within acceptable limits of what others think is okay. I've stayed safe, never really going out of my comfort zone. 
I'm largely reserved, keeping a lot of things about me to myself.
I don't go after what I really want, because I feel that I might fail,then get bombarded with  'I told you sos'.

Sometimes the mirror of yourself if blurry,
sometimes crystal clear.
       And as one contemplates about this topic, its hard. It's really difficult being yourself nowadays of the suppression, impracticality of situations and boundaries people have often set for you. There are a lot of issues sometimes, and what have not been accepted in society before is now an idea being heavily fought for.

'I guess gay people have it so hard to be wholly accepted in mainstream society.'

      Sometimes you ask yourself a lot of questions, like how do we be ourselves and not disappoint others? How do we make people realize that we are different from what they think we are and convince them to support us in what we really want?
       I envy the people who know how to handle criticisms, and those who can be themselves even to one person. They're brave, and I am nowhere near a quarter of being able to deal with criticisms.
I'm realizing so many things right now. I want to learn how to be myself, and I still have a lot to cross in that journey to myself. But one thing's for sure, we have to know what's right for us in what we want to become.      
       Freedom of  expression? It's so damn misleading most of  the time. Promoting pornography is NOT freedom of expression. Masochism and sadism is a lot worse(ewww to both). Sometimes, people think that they want to be these things so much that they sometimes forget that it's not good for them in the long run. In the end, we aim to be strong people with a good heart, a person to look up to no matter what we become.

       It's just that a lot of people are so busy with their expectations of us, that we lose the choice to go for something else. And what hurts more is that we are often alone on the road we choose for ourselves, should we decide to follow what we really want.

Fear. It also plays the biggest part of it all. Quite a cliche.

Tips on Finding and Being Yourself[link]
       But one thing sure about all of this, is that finding yourself is a personal journey and discovery; no one else can tell who you are. And you have to find the people who are willing to accept you for who you are. They may not understand, but they don't need to. Not all people have the same experiences you do. All they need to do is love you for you. And perhaps the experiences they have are ones that they could share with you, and you in turn, will also love them for them. Everything is shouldn't be one-sided.

      I don't know exactly how I'll find myself. I think I'll start with finding the courage first, or start completing my own book first; it depends. I'll eventually get there, whether on my own or with lots of help.

       May you too, dear friend, find your own voice and true sense of self.
      Impulsive, careless or just plain crazy, life is definitely well-lived by being yourself. ^_^

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


         Most families nowadays aren't really verbal with their expression of love for one another. Some only say it on birthdays, or on special occasions. But that doesn't mean they've stopped showing it.
Most, in all subtlety, show their love through daily gestures around their families.

         Beyond the everyday scoldings of our mothers, beyond the annoying siblings that take our things without permission, beyond the expectations that we need to fulfill, there exists the message of love that they convey to us in so many other ways.
My family. That's me at the very right.
And a lot of us have to learn to see it, because not all people realize the message of care and concern behind common family gestures.

         My mom, for instance, buys me special foods whenever she knows I'm sick. Even if its just the normal pain of a monthly thing, she goes out and brings me home one of my favorite eats. My mom and dad also prioritize me over everything they need to do. Even something as simple as getting hungry after church, my mom and dad would postpone stopping by somewhere just to get me home immediately to eat. I may have a habit of eating late everyday, but that doesn't stop my parents from getting me home at the next instant when I happened to get hungry. There are lots of other things, I know, and I love them for it.

Me and my pretty sister.
          I also go to Cebu often because of my sister. She pays for my tickets, and all other things during my stay. I get the feeling that it is because she misses the family. She can hardly go home because of the demands of work, so she lets us come here often, especially on holidays. I'm also currently in Cebu for the sembreak. I also missed my sister terribly.
           Most of the time I just go around the mall with the pocket money she gave me. Let me say that while some families just shower their kids with cash, my sister pays for me because I know she really wants me to enjoy myself. She wants me to have fun during my stay, especially during the times she has to go to work, leaving me strolling around Cebu by myself.

          While this generation may not commonly have verbal strings of 'I love yous' and 'I miss yous', it never means that the love in families has diminished.

          You'll never get to choose your family. So love them always.

          They do care, in ways most of us have yet to realize.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Shortest Post In This Blog.

Hmmm. At one point, I think I should've had a sign on my head that says, 'Don't you dare fall in love with me'.
I'm stupid for posting this. Yes, more like insane.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

An Interesting Exchange of Poetic Conversations

       Rarely do I encounter such people who speak and write like poets, and also those who have opinions and thoughts about a lot of things, those who think deeper about things than normal person would.
       Even though I am in a country surrounded by people who understand English well, it isn't everyday I meet people I could exchange opinions with. This time, I met an individual who can write sentences like those classical books I read. 
       It was simply mesmerizing and poetic, written with a rich vocabulary and an elegant tone. 
       Being a writer myself, I engaged him in what I made most out of my meager attempt. I'd say I was able to write the way I wanted, and I thoroughly enjoyed the exchange of lines. Yes, I am the inferior one, but I don't mind. 

I bow down to and recognize such talent. 

Here is what had been written:

HIM: I know that feeling, I live during the eerie night where the underlying darkness leads me to such an ominous feeling.

ME: When nothing else disturbs you, and the absolute silence becomes a comfortable cloak to sort out your thoughts. 

HIM: It is the overpowering melancholy that enshrouds me with comfort, nonetheless the ruins of the breaking heart could no longer seize it's incumbent reign in my soul, I am now bestowed with a sense of satisfaction, just by seeing a sight of a dark void scene.

ME: I revel in the darkness of the night, in the knowledge that everyone is asleep but I, alone to the loud echo of my soul. My mind speaks, the heart drips withheld emotions. I drown in the night, but neither I could fathom its endless mystery.

HIM: To hear such a weep from thou withal, tantamount to the whines of the lost and the forsaken ones, I, awful and grim, would like to plead with permissive respect, to allow myself to expound my greatest sympathy and grace. No doubts and blasphemy.

ME: Pity not the heart that speaks of misery and loneliness, but pity the proud heart that bows to no one but himself. Yet lend ears to those lost in the shadows, their endless wanderings almost never shedding light.

HIM: The light is oar a foe and a friend to a sight of just like thy, but indecisively, I, never lost the undying flame that flares within us all, the power of faith. In darkness, I shall sought the righteous, my lead shall heed towards the symphonies of blinding light ahead me. Without remorse, I bow down to you with simple words but honorable appreciation.

HIM(cont'd): Wait, wait, wait, for am minute there, shall we put an end to this epic? For each story that dwell in the past, written in forgotten scriptures but not in the everlasting lore, had to be put into it's end, for a new beginning?

ME: O, good friend, turn not a blind eye to the mesmerizing talent that you possess that renders me at loss for mere words! I so do bow to the ingenious and poetic tongue that speak of the world in such alluring prose.And so I take my leave, ending this alluring, lengthy narrative with a humble bow.

ME(cont'd at some point in the conversation):  Here are proof in front of me, dismissing your claim of lies!

HIM(at some point in the conversation): This time of the night is not well fit for a beautiful lady like you to be awake and still.

       I could really say, 'Wow'. It reminded me be back of the days when I used to exchange poetry with a someone years ago. I appreciated the conversation so much. I really hope I could write like that someday.


NOTE: I am such a sucker for poetic lines aimed at me. But it was a really fun exchange. I don't really meet a lot of people who possess that kind of literary talent, and he just happens to be one those who do. Kudos to you!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Acceptance of Loss

It's true when they say that the higher you rise, the harder you fall.

       You would understand this statement when we talk about losing. Not many people are prepared to accept defeat when they've been at the top for so long. It's normal, I tell you that. It's the shock of being punched out of the top. Nobody likes losing, not one bit.
      I happened to witness one such group taste the bitterness of being thrown out of the top spots. It's painful, and it doesn't seem right. For them, maybe. For our group, we've been the underdogs for so long. We managed at one of the top spots this year, contrary to their situation.

       I do hope that in the future, more people will be mature enough to accept such a loss with dignity and grace. It is the essence of sportsmanship. Just because one great team experienced a loss, it doesn't mean that they should go around accusing everything. 

       We should learn from our experiences, and start anew. We learn to recognize authority, and place the decision on such persons(judges) who very well understand exactly what the competition entails. And when we do question such decisions, we must do it in respect and in private, so as not disrespect the persons and participants involved. Our question will be answered if ask them right. There's no need to spew nonsense about it and come complaining in an angry tone.

      We're all learning, and one of the most important things to learn in life is to accept a loss in a mature way.
       There are chances to come back up again.

Friday, August 31, 2012

My Debate Family

August 28-29, 2012 - Two Days for the Debate Competition

       That's the date we've been preparing for. We started practicing debate a month before, to the request of some others. I'm glad we did. And we reaped our harvest.

Me + Open Team + Freshmen Team

       Ever since we started practicing, we were able to recruit a lot of members. It was really promising! I kept seeing new faces and getting to know them one by one was so fun and interesting. They were awesome individuals, with a lot potential lurking within.

       At first, I had to figure out what I had to do first and how to get it started, especially with the new ones. It proved to be a little shaky start, but we eventually got there. We met up and practiced after classes, ending up late at night. I made a lot decisions, thought about a lot of things and did a lot of research. I was quite alone because Kuya Irvin wasn't there anymore. And it eventually dawned on me that the entire debate team was now MY responsibility. They depended on me, and I suddenly had something big in my hands.

Josh, Tobit and Dareen of the Freshmen Team + Adj Ronna
       So I asked for some help. We managed to have Sir Alquine as our faculty adviser and I got helpful tips from Sir John. I tried to teach them what I knew, and tried to motivate them with some incentives(partially a fail, because I'm weak at some things xD). I adjudicated their rounds, and taught them what they could improve. It was very tiring, but I knew I had to spend so much time them when they were so eager to learn and debate. They had fire in their eyes, they really did.

       As the University Palakasan approached, we were now increasing the frequency of our practices. I had to choose 3 participants to form the Open team, and it was very difficult since a lot did really want to join and had the skills to debate. In the end, I formed a 3-man open team. We recruited two more participants who would complete the freshmen team just a week ago. I paired them during practices, and things looked really good. I was confident that SCS had a solid chance this year.

       Little by little, our bonding also grew. We became so familiar with each other and we were sincerely having fun during debates. It was so fun exchanging jokes and arguments with them. The overnight was awesome and the team spirit was present and strong.

Ron, Armando and Kael of the Open Team
       When the debate competition finally arrived, I was downright nervous. But I had faith in what they could bring to the debate. The other debaters looked capable and intimidating, but we knew we had something to be at par with them. Both teams won the first round, and I was so ready to jump through the roof during that time out of happiness. The first day ended a bit shaky, and yet we hoped to start to anew and fresh the next day.

       The second day was definitely a day of fulfillment. After the elimination round, the top 4 teams were announced. I was still at another classroom cleaning up during the announcements. And when I heard loud voices of cheering and yelling from outside, I knew it was them. Both teams managed to advance to the semi-finals! I was so happy and thanked God that all of their current achievements was enough of a result of the hard work we went through. We didn't advance to the finals, yet we were happy and well-content. The freshmen team ended at Top 3, while the Open team ended at Top 4. Five of them also landed spots in the Top 10 Speakers. Weee! Our adjudicator did so great and she learned a lot, and she's got a lot to teach us!
Clowning around(Prinz, Ron and Ronna)

       Through all this, I have been very grateful. They are now family to me, and they did see me as their 'mother' who was with them all the way. I went with them to the event, despite the fact that I was slightly sick. I grew worse the next day and I had to tell them to go ahead without me, as I would catch up later. And nothing could ever make me happier that day when one of them sent a message to me. I was up early in the morning, still quite in bed, and texting them of their updates. At one point, I received this message,

       "Tulog na balik ma, kami na bahala dari. Goodnight! :) [Go back to sleep, mom. We'll take it from here. Goodnight!]"

Discussion and Random Things
       I couldn't explain how I felt, and I burst out laughing. My heart was ready to pop out of my chest. Another commented that it was a privilege for them to have trained with me, and I considered all those things as the fulfillment of my role. I would give my time, my encouragement and my support for them. I cared for them. And whenever they said that they would look for me, even just for them to see me during their debate rounds, was something that sort of touched me. In a way, I guess. All of them have been blessings to me, and it was a great privilege to have been with them.

       The road to the competition was shaky and uncertain, with a lot of things happening along the way. But I'm glad that it turned out for the better. And I understood that things just somehow started falling into place from the very beginning, and things happened for a reason. I would surely welcome more possibilities in the future, and a stronger debate team. I look forward to a better debate team, and their potential to be very good debaters.

       I know I failed in a lot of ways with them, and I was often unable to stick to my words. I'm quite out of practice, and sometimes I couldn't give a lot of clear explanations. I made a lot of mistakes, and I'm learning from them. I only hoped I was able to teach enough.

       It was you guys(debaters) who made all the difference. You were fluid enough to adapt and catch up, and you made me enormously proud. I'll remember those days always. You were all awesome and intelligent, and really really determined and hardworking!

*Waiting for lunch*

       Respect is so important, and I hope you guys would remember that always. Be intelligent and mature debaters, learn to accept a loss with dignity and grace. Do not stoop to low levels. Remain humble and pray. Learn from your mistakes. Trust your teammates and ultimately have fun. It is the best of what I could teach you all.

Remain a fearless pack, SCS Debaters. ^____^

Thursday, August 16, 2012

When days are at Breaking Points


       That's close to what I feel right about now. I'm struggling but I'm barely reaching the surface. I wave my arms, desperately trying to lift myself up. I look around and see nothing but emptiness and darkness, with the light from surface flickering bright from above. Oh how I desperately swim, my arms pointing upward, perhaps holding a shred of hope for someone to pull me up.

       But my efforts are useless, I'm only sinking deeper. I can't breathe, but it seems like I am. The ocean slowly becomes a part of me, finding its way to my lungs, telling me to let go.

       I struggle again, a little stronger this time, my fingers inches away from the blessed surface. I kick my legs and keep my head up, and with one final push I break out. I rose violently, the surface echoing thick waves.

       I can breathe again, my lungs coming back to life. I let the heat of the sun course through, the light from its rays blinding me. It burns me, but I don't care. I just want the sun.

       But just as another ray hits me, I am pulled under the water. I have yet again to struggle with the binds that pull me under. I kick, I fight. I desperately rip the binds apart.

       Then it lets me go, leaving me alone once again deep under the ocean. I want to get out, because I'm worn out. I'm so tired I could barely move my body. The ocean threatens to fill me up again.

       I want so badly to rest my body and lie for hours on sand.
Then I realize, that when I was up the surface, I saw no shore.
I'm now struggling as look around the ocean's darkness. Then I look above once more, focusing on the flicker of light above.

       Here I go again.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Friendships Knows Acceptance

To find a few good friends, you start with a lot of acquaintances.

       As I now belong to a particular all-girl group in my school, life became more interesting and whole lot happier and less lonelier.
       The thing is, we're all so different, yet we love each other like idiots. People around us know how opposite we can be from each other, yet we are rarely seen not hanging out together. It's how we are.

       It's impossible in a friendship not to fight. It happens a lot, and still we deal with everything and accept each and every one of those situations because we would all learn something from it and from each other.

       And sometimes, there are things that we may not approve of what the other wants to do. We are concerned about each other, and so our concern shows we care. We may not like the guy that one girl chooses, but still we support her on what we wants.

        Perhaps the biggest realization that I have to face is that while I can say to them exactly how I don't want them to do this and that, I cannot dictate their lives and what they do. I can't stop them from doing what they want, no matter how the situation goes. This  is their life, and that is also who they are. As friends, we have to learn to accept them for that, because we are different, and we cannot mold them to think and be like us. I also learned to trust them to their decision, and trust them with the consequences they will handle along with what they chose.

       That's what true friends do, to support them and to be there when they need us. It is their happiness, their inspiration, and we should be happy for them too, and try to eliminate any negative feelings we have.

Our differences are what makes us unique, and also ultimately keeps us together.

Respected and Dignified

       It amazes me how some people I've shortly met years ago are now people who are highly respected in their own colleges. They are now people who have the brilliant mind to speak out about what our society needs, and the capacity to initiate a change.

       I don't know if I am mistaken with the type of person I really wish to be, but I too want to be heard. I want to grow into a person to be respected, one who is sure of her beliefs and opinions. Not afraid to face uncertainties, and most of all, not to be afraid to fight, and face rejection. I want to know how to carry myself with dignity and confidence.
       I want to be a person whom people cannot belittle.

       I also want to be someone who is independent, so I don't have to be a burden to anyone. It is one of the things I hate the most. I want to learn how to deal with my own problems, and be strong enough to deal with my own pain. I want to aim higher, and see myself fulfill my own dreams.

      And despite all these, I don't want to let my pride win me. I want to remain down-to-earth, and I don't want to lose common sense and practicality. I want to speak, yet know when to be silent. I would always want to remain being me, no matter how I show myself physically.

       I want to be useful, and I want to help people. I want to be the fruit of what I worked for.

 I want to be who I want to be. And carry all these things with quiet dignity.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Dressing Up: What's Your Message?

This is the first draft of an editorial article I will be writing for our school paper. I'll make some changes in the near future. :D

A lot has been said about various dress codes, uniforms and strict rules in so many universities around the Philippines. It’s interesting how different sides are being tackled, mainly clashes about decency and preparation for the business world versus freedom of expression.
                Equally, MSU-IIT’s dress code has been a hot topic recently among students and faculty within the university. This issue was brought out due to different arguments that have arisen about what kind of clothes should be allowed within the university, as per how the guards interpret the dress code policy. It was then discovered that the current MSU-IIT dress code was written back in 1993. Outdated, no doubt. Even our highly esteemed Chancellor agrees with this. And the entire university is grateful to him for taking immediate action about this matter.
                But going to the topic, how does your manner of dressing speak volumes about you?
                The freedom that we enjoy these days to a large extent makes dressing up a lot more complicated than before. We teenagers not only try to keep up with the latest gadgets, but try to keep up with latest fashion trends as well. And nowadays, people are becoming more daring, fearless and uncaring of what they wear. Like in UP where there is no dress code and the only guiding principle in what to wear is comfort, students can wear clothes as plain as pajamas or barely-there clothes that leaves little to the imagination. While in DLSU, students can wear clothes as fashionable as knee-high boots and trench coats.
Having the freedom to dress promotes individuality and creativity; it is a way for students to speak without making a sound. Fashionistas can stand out with their heels and designer blouses, while students with their bling-blings, caps and oversized shirts speak their inclination for hip-hop. Dressing in comfort is also very appealing to students. Simply put, how students dress is their way of presenting themselves to other people, how they want others to see them.
                On the negative side, they say that too much freedom can be abused. Some people are not responsible with what they wear. Some are not comfortable in seeing others with what they’re wearing, and some are teased and ridiculed for it. Some end up looking cheap, and some end up looking like they’re having a hangover from last night.
                Now this time, let us tackle the issue of why schools have dress codes.
First is that the school is trying to promote decency and proper decorum. Remember that we are entering an institution that will educate us, one that will prepare us for our lives after we graduate. This principle tells us that we are in an institution to learn, that it is not a place to flaunt whatever asset you think you have. And so we should dress accordingly and in decency. Second, wearing appropriate clothes becomes a sort of discipline when we begin working in the future. Big companies require you to do this and look professional and neat.
On the other hand, this dress code will curb whatever individuality and creativity students want to release. They will get lost in the crowd, overshadowed by those who excel in academics.
So, which is which?
Unfortunately, it is difficult to draw a clear line between modesty, freedom of expression and indecency. These are abstract ideas and have a lot of interpretations.  Therefore, as college students, we should remain intelligent enough to know when, what and how to dress appropriately. How and what we wear does matter, both in self-expression and in the professional world.
Our intelligence and performance should go deeper than high heels and shorts.  Change in the society is inevitable, and we have to adapt to survive. For as long as we dress accordingly and intelligently when the situation calls for it, then there doesn’t seem to be much problem.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Lady's Wait [Poetry]

To you whose existence is unbeknownst to me,
To you whose eyes I am to capture and see,
Our story is in writing,
With our paths yet to cross.

I traverse my own as you do yours,
Living in content as I walk along the course.
Should our glances meet one day,
I would faithfully await.

To you whose heart I shall surrender,
To you whose love I would cherish forever,
I will not ever wish to part,
Nor wish for your hand to let go of mine.

Happy 2nd to CHWARMs.

We're turning 2, and I am absolutely grateful! I love you, my best friends, I so do! :D

Here they are! Excluding the 2 guys at the back. Hee. :D

Sand-writing. Etched in my heart.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Waterfall of Emotions and 'The Classic' Movie

       It's really good to release your feelings once in a while, especially when you're really sad. You don't have to get mad and curse just to feel better and let your emotions out. You can simply find a good private spot and let your tears fix everything. I'm a girl, so I guess these moments happens more often to us than guys. But I hardly cry, and when I do, it's usually the sum of everything that happened that reaches all the way since last month.
        I can't cry if I can't find the right emotion to do so. Sometimes I just stare and feel empty, but I can't cry. So whenever I really feel like doing a session, I listen to this.

More Love More/More Than Love/ If We're In Love by Han Sung Min

         It's one of the sweetest yet saddest songs I've ever heard. It's Korean, from the movie, The Classic. I suggest you watch the movie before you listen, so you'll fully understand the melody of the song. But the song has an instrumental version, and you can listen to it and have a glimpse of the beautiful melody.

The Classic OST (Instrumental)

            Everytime I play it, it's so beautiful that I am so drawn to my emotions.

         It's early in the morning, yet I'm playing the song, bawling my eyes out. For someone who's very optimistic as I am, my sadness does a double take. I could cry for intervals the entire day, until I empty myself out.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Parallelism: Life=Love? [Romantic Love]

               For a person who's never been in a relationship since she was born, I can attest to this: There is so much more to life than finding a boyfriend or a lifetime partner. In short: There is more to life than romantic love.
               Don't mistake me, though. I have been in love. My first took me about 2 years to get over. And through that experience, I have learned so much. I've laughed so much and I've cried so much. But life goes on, and we'll always have ourselves and our Loving Father up above.

I've searched a bit about this topic and I saw what people had to say about this: Is there more to life than love?
Here are some answers:

"if love is peace and self-worth then no, there is no more to life than that. but if love you mean looking for a person to be with you there is more to life than that. life is living with yourself, it should be enjoyed :)"

"Love doesn't necessarily have to be found within a person, if that is what you're saying. Love can be found within simple things: traveling, a hobby, art, religion, or life itself. Life shouldn't be spent looking for Love, but letting Love find you."

"There's many aspects of life yes, but when everything comes down to the big picture it is love we look for. What's many people goals, to have a career they love or to start a family one day which both of these are based off love. Some people aren't as fortunate and may not be able to do or afford the things they want to do so therefore have a negative perspective on life and love. But if you could have no limits and do everything you wanted, it would all be based on love. Whether is be the car you really want or to go somewhere you really want to go, it's all based off what you love in your dreams to happen. So yeah there's tons of more things out there in life, you don't always have to grow up looking for your soulmate to start a family with, that's the typical route to choose but some people can be much happier just focusing on a career or being alone in life. In generalization though, when it comes down to it love is what we all seek in the end."

          In this post, I am referring to romantic love. It saddens me to think that some people commit suicide because of love, specifically if the ones they love leave them. Life doesn't end when love does. This is not the definition of life.

         Love does hurt so much, and it can make you fall on your knees because of its pain. I've known some people with such extreme tendencies, and it just doesn't make sense to me of the things can do because of this pain caused by love. It disturbs me, because I believe those experiences can be overcome without drastic actions, no matter how it hurts.  

      The common pitfalls of romantic love is emotions. Sometimes, we allow our emotions to swallow us that we tend to forget common sense and sensibility. Emotions can also be destructive. It also causes us to hurt other people when angry. In love, it could be four times more than that.We tend to be blind when we are in love. Our emotions fuel our pain, and so we do things that don't seem good. That's why we should always keep our emotions in check.

It is not because the truth is too difficult to see that we make mistakes... we make mistakes because the easiest and most comfortable course for us is to seek insight where it accords with our emotions - especially selfish ones.
--  Alexander Solzhenitsyn quotes (Russian novelist, Nobel Prize for Literature)

“The sign of an intelligent people is their ability to control their emotions by the application of reason.” --Marya Mannes

           I believe that life is so much more than love. I am a content and happy person, I've always been. Who ever said I can't enjoy life if I don't have boyfriend? I find fulfillment and satisfaction of the many things I do by myself. Trips to the mall, eating by myself, saturday treats for myself, etc. I enjoy all these things and I hope to do so much more in the future. My family and my friends complete my day with their companionship and love. Do I need a boyfriend to feel secure and loved? Definitely not. I can find love in so many things. I want to travel by myself. I want to stay in a bookstore by myself in the whole afternoon. I can reflect more often when I am by myself.

         I find happiness in so many things. I look around me and see how perfectly life works. I lounge around in my room and feel how peaceful it is. 

         I will not deny that I sometimes feel lonely. Yes, I do have my friends, but as you grow older you'd think about what would it be like to have a boyfriend. I think about that I lot. But I'm not ready yet, and I can't rush love when it isn't your time yet. Remember, let love find you because it knows where you are and when you should have it. Romantic love is wonderful, but it is not parallel to life. Life doesn't end when the one you love leaves you. I think it's pretty pathetic to throw your life away when it happens. There is simply so much wonderful things to experience. There are more people around you who love you than your one boyfriend/girlfriend. 

          God forbid I should ever commit suicide if I happen to fall in love so deeply. I strive to keep my sensibility above all things. The only perfect love we could ever find is in Jesus and our Loving Father. He can give me so much more happiness than any human person ever could.

              Life goes on even after relationships end and couples break up. True strength is being able to withstand the great force of the wind, all the while bending in humility like the grass. We have to endure because it's all part of what we experience in life. We don't have to resort to drastic measures, or destroy our lives over one relationship that ended. We can't throw away the life we built for ourselves because of it.

We lived happily before we had relationships. Life continues even after that.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Blocking out the Sound of Rain

            I enjoy rainy days because the atmosphere is cool, and there are some great scenes to see and observe at times. I guess a lot of people like rain too, for different reasons. And some, well, maybe not. It prevents them from going out. Other than that, it's so nice to sleep on a rainy afternoon.


        But ironically though, I also dislike rain at the same time. I dislike the sound it makes when it drips on the roof and on surfaces. When it rains harder, I make a dash for my sound proof earphones. I put it on and I play music, or I simply wear them to drown out the sound of rain. I don't know why, but the sound kind makes me nervous, and a tad bit afraid.

           And no, this is not due to the trauma of typhoon Sendong. I have always been grateful that we were spared from that. I've always had this unease with rain way back. Even in the middle of sleep. When rain starts slapping through the windows, I put my pillows immediately over my ear.

Like right now. Oh yes, the atmosphere is relaxing. But just while before when rain fell on the rooftops, I grabbed by earphones in a second. But it isn't really a big deal though, I can quite deal with it. It rains a lot every year, especially when I'm at school.

 It's just something peculiar about me, though. :D
(The picture on the left is almost the same as how I feel, except the smoking part. *I have never smoked in my life, and I don't want to, okay?* )
*drip, drip, drip*
My earphones look like this,
only it's color is white.

Living the Sheltered Life

Living the suite life? No. Living the dream life? Not really. The Sheltered Life? Yes.

         As my mother and father were far from living the same life I'm having now during their childhood days, they both knew then what to do with their lives. All the hardships they went through was what motivated them to seek a better life in the future. My mother's story is one full of endurance and sacrifice, my father's story is one of hard work, perseverance and a solid vision.

        My mother didn't really grow up with a father, while my father had to work to support his studies, barely having able to take the final exam without the financial help of his teacher.

           I've been hearing these stories since I was a child, and I've always taken them to heart. My mother and father's stories are living proofs that there is always a way, no matter how difficult life can get. They want to instill the same values they learned to me and my sister. We can't curse life, and neither can we condemn it for whatever circumstances we get ourselves into. Everything we encounter is a challenge. Every difficult trials we face at a big part of our lives has its purpose.

           My life now is the vision my parents want for their family. Financially independent, comfortable, love, family-oriented and just enough to enjoy and afford life's pleasures. I've been educated in a private school, I've been able to go to places and take vacations, and my parents have been able to give most of the things I asked for. Same goes to my sister. Now she's working and independent, also living the life she wants for herself and for her future.

           I'd say my life has been wonderful. My parents get along so well, they really guided us and taught us what we needed to learn. My sister has also been equally wonderful and supportive. We're not that really rich, perhaps just enough to live comfortably.

           I know I have been sheltered throughout my life. My parents didn't want me to experience the same things they did before. They did what they could to give me the opportunities they couldn't have before. And because of this, I'll never entirely understand the difficulties that other people go through.

          MSU-IIT is a state university, and there are a lot of students who go there juggle their studies with financial issues. I've known a lot of people who have these problems, it is really sad. Whenever they are struggling, I think of my parents and all they've been through. I can't understand how they feel and what their thoughts are when they go through these problems. I don't know how they must feel so burdened, and how it must be so unbearable at times. I hope though, that no one will take me differently just because I'm not going through the same things they are.

            I'm really a quiet person, not saying much. But when it comes to serious things, sometimes I just can't stand not saying anything. I am a firm believer of better things to come, and I am really optimistic. To those who have their problems, especially my friends, I would lend so much of my time, my ears and give support. I may not really relate to what they're going through, but hopefully I want to give reassurance and encouragement(though I really hate ending up sounding like a know-it-all. : p ).

             I too, have my struggles. I too, have my disappointments, depressions, heartaches, sticky situations and seemingly unbearable problems. I too, have my moments of weakness. Don't think for one second that I have a problem-free life. We all go through difficulties, and no one is exempted fro them. Whatever I could give, I would. I think I'm good at listening. Whatever I can help with, I'd be glad to. :D

               At least for me who might be living the sheltered life, I would share so much of my happy thoughts, optimism and encouragement.