In midst of the hustle and bustle of life, there will always come a time when you will seek to find time by yourself. A time when you're alone to sort out your thoughts and arrange yourself before you face the world again.

I'm mostly by myself, so I have many opportunities for these. But its actually a different story. Most of my time is spent on schoolwork, so even if I'm at home, I can't really feel a sense of 'me' time because of the stuff to do. I went on a movie date with three of my best friends yesterday, and even dropped by to purchase books along the way. Still, that couldn't count as a 'me' time.
So today, on an impulse, I went out for a trip to the mall to take a break. It gives me a different feeling to purposely go out by myself, and I really enjoy these times. I go to the local bookstore and take my sweet time to go through piles of different books. I ended up picking out two books to reserve, and as I went to the counter to make a reserve request, the sales lady already knew my name so she could write it down.
I was so surprised! I must've been to BookSale too often. :)
This is definitely why I can't wait to go to Cebu for summer, because I get to go around by myself for the afternoon till night.

Life can get to you sometimes, dontcha think? Everyday there's rules to follow and stuff to do and finish. For some, it becomes a monotonous habit. On the exremes, a bitter disappointment.
Everyone at some point needs a serious break else we go nuts from the pressure. We do need to clear our heads and take a breather to take on life once more. Others go on a vacation, take a trip to the spa, go to the gym or enjoy a simple coffee break.
Have a date with yourself and treat yourself.
I wholly agree these are the best times to enjoy life's pleasures.