"One crucial quality that every person should have is being able to set a standard for himself."
If we look at it in an academic perspective, the passing grade is the standard to which everyone conforms to. They must live up to that standard and earn a total passing grade or higher to pass the subject. Any point or decimal lower will be your failure.
That said, education really makes one good example of setting standards. It teaches us to push ourselves and work hard to earn that grade. The extra effort has to be made; sleepless nights, reading assignments and allot spare times for projects just to keep us from failing. Subjects demand that our level of knowledge should be no lower than the passing mark.

On a personal level, a person himself also has to set their standards, in most of what they do. You will see a lot of successful people become that way because they use the best of what they can in most situations they're in. A goal-oriented person set their sights on objectives, they work their to achieving those objectives, and always try to keep their performance level up.
Being able to set standards is drawing the line between success and failure. We have standards because we don't want to settle anything less than what our ability can achieve, and sadly a lot of people don't have that motivation. it's a good thing to have them because we are happier with ourselves and our performances, and thus less regrets. Our choices should also conform to our standards; we should always go for the better option.

And if more women demand a gentleman, the rest of the male population will have to adjust else they'll find themselves celibate for the rest of their lives.

We are all people capable of achievements if we only have to get up on our feet and do the best we can. We cannot deny ourselves anything lesser than what we should have because the world offers a vast amount of options, we can always have something better.
Better things and bigger opportunities come with standards.