Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Anatomy of a Guy and A Lot of Girls: My Version

              And so the previous post told you about my story. Now this post will be about my opinion about some common characteristics about these kinds of guys that I know of, and some you have probably seen.

Siwon(He is just my physical sample)
Photo: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lszbzsKuD41qgmc9y.jpg
              First and most importantly, this guys has got the looks. Oh yes, this guy has the face to make you look at him not only once, not twice, but a third or more. Paired with charisma, and you have a ladies' man.

              That Killer Smile. Every guy worthy of charming a lot of girls has a particular smile that just makes hearts skip a beat or melts them then and there. This smile is so natural that you can't help smiling back, and sometimes feeling like you're the only one he looks at when he smiles.

              The Body Walk. The way a guy carries himself is telltale sign of how manly they are. Some guys walk a tad bit too tough and end up looking intimidating, but a charmer walks straight and tall, with a comfortable ease that is neither too rigid or too loose, exuding just enough male aura for others to notice.

            The Body. Obvious physical strength and muscle is just what is needed here.

            The Face. Depending on what you like, this guy is an example of the word handsome.


             On a positive note, some guys are naturally born with these qualities, and they cannot help attracting attention and gaining likes from girls. A lot of them do not mind so much about their looks and are turning themselves into gentlemen.

             On the negative side, a lot of guys tend to take their good looks for granted. A lot develop their looks and charisma from a change in their personality. They change themselves to look cool, but this should not be overly done.
Furthermore, along with their handsome, angelic faces come with it a tall pride. They tend to think too highly of themselves, thinking that society will always accept them because of their looks. They are confident of having and charming a lot of girls. Some even live with the knowledge that others will always wait on them and adjust to them, because of what they think about themselves. They content themselves with the false belief that people will always chase after them, which is not a good thing at all. These guys often have a lot of friends, and they might not care in losing one or two of them.

Just an advice ladies.
      When guys like these happen to appear in your life and somehow make you feel used, then always remember your worth and what you deserve. You forget it sometimes, but know that you are a worthy and precious person. You do not deserve to be a second choice. Some bad guys often find gratification in having girls chasing them, so don't fall into that trap. Be strong and show him you are certainly happy without him. It is your job to protect yourself, especially your feelings where it is most vulnerable.

On a Guy I Like and A Girl That is Me

500 Days of Summer
              A talk with one of my closest friends just this afternoon helped me redeem my pride and my worth. It's not like I've lost the two, but I sometimes forget them in some rather heart-related issues.
               So, after gathering opinions of people, I have come to the conclusion that the guy I supposedly liked turns out to be just one of those guys who charm a lot of girls just for the heck of it. And perhaps juggling a one girl after another. [Seriously, if you(the guy) are reading this post, then it sure is your responsibility to prove me wrong.] I am merely stating what I feel, and what is often particularly obvious.

               First, when a guy whom you've recently met and became friends with invites you to eat with him on Valentines Day, I'm pretty sure that implies something. Even just as simple as an interest or a like for that person. And what happens when he keeps on cancelling and moving? That's certainly enough to get the girl's nerves wracking. A guy who likes a girl makes her his priority. And he certainly did not make me feel that way. And so, when the girl does not reply to his text that says he will make up for it, that's a simple show of a girl shying away from him out of irritation or annoyance. If the guy really likes the girl, then he would understand and keep his word, and will eventually text the girl in the hopes of being given a second chance. And as it turns out, no further communication comes from the guy. POOF. And he's suddenly invisible in your life. A week and a half is enough to make that conclusion. Oh, do not even try and tell me that it was the girl's fault. What more when the guy doesn't reply after the girl has made the first move of apologizing, even for the mistakes that most certainly was not hers? And so, that is my story.
               Moving on, my last post tells you that I still have mixed feelings for this situation, just wondering what really happened and hoping that things will be alright. I do admit, that it does not sit well with me that I think I have a conflict with someone. He does not talk to me, so what I can I do about that? And my mind's just been wondering and thinking about the whole situation. I realize the situation is just so simple, that it certainly doesn't need complications because it really is simple. I've been thinking so hard of wanting things to be alright when I should have seen some things that were already obvious. And I am forever grateful to my true friends who keeps me in touch with reality and my common sense. They point out obvious things and help me see the truth. And in doing so, they protect me from turning stupid. And after this afternoon, I don't think I need to wonder anymore. 

               I AM FREE ONCE MORE.

               So here's what they tell me: My close friend Rea tells me that after scanning his profile pictures, that 'thou shall not trust him'. He has some profile pics of him and another girl. She also tells me that if he really likes me, then he'll be the first one to make the move. Okay, noted.
               Next, my another close friend Cherry was sharing to me problems with her boyfriend, and a kuya(older brother) I know comes and joins in our conversation. And so I asked him about my situation, so it would be on a guy's point of view. He says to me that the guy was either playing around just for the heck of it or worse, using me as a second option(like as a backup) if things didn't work out with another girl he's after. It was then that I realized all along what I was blind. I should have seen it. His profile picture with him holding a cake and a bouquet, and some rather fishy comments that Cherry pointed out to me. What's more, her boyfriend has a buddy who happens to be the guy's cousin. Cherry told me that her boyfriend told her that I should be careful of him. He dates a lot of models and other people of the same type and well, beauty. Cherry was even once in a jeepney with him, and they were looking at each other. And that's because the guy knows Cherry is my close friend and of course Cherry knows him too.
                 And so the moon crashed down on me. I should have seen right through him. I should have seen what his intentions were, what he wanted from me and what he didn't. I have this tendency of constantly believing in people being good and all. It's why I keep on hoping. But it's not doing me any good. Thankfully I did not reach the point of defending him from my friends, because I'd rather listen to my friends who are true to me than my inner stubbornness that still likes him. I have always prayed that I would not be blinded, and that I shall listen to people to save me from doing the wrong things. And in doing so, I have freed myself.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Just Another Monday. But So Much Thoughts.

            I don’t really know about today anymore. It’s kind of like mixed feelings and emotions. I’m sooo tired of having to do everything alone. I resent being a leader. I resent authority of any kind that I hold. I’d really rather be in the background and follow orders. It hurts, it truly does. Having to follow after everyone, asking them to do things and at the same time placing your trust in them  to do it. And if they don’t do it, what now? It’s my responsibility to catch that job and do it myself.
             Kapoy na(I'm tired). I’m still having mixed feelings over him, and I really don’t know what to do about it except wait. As they say, good things come to those who wait. I know I’ve done my part of the sorry and also leaving behind hints that I’m okay with it, but now it’s his turn to approach me.  Besides, eventually I’ll fully come to realize that I would need a guy who matches me, who insists in making things right as soon as possible, just like me. I need a guy who is just about as independent as I am, one who can be depended upon, and does immediately and exactly the things needed to be done. I’m quite shy myself, but it doesn’t prevent me from doing what I should(most of the time) and what I need to do.  My shyness does not prevent me from admitting my mistakes, and from admitting how I feel, no matter how silly or embarrassing it might sound.
            I’m still learning a lot of things. And if ever, it’s making me appreciate my friends more, and making me humble more. I know I’m not perfect, and I never will be. But I hoped he thought of me too before he decided not to talk to me anymore. Oh, boys. You are forever a mystery in a woman’s mind.
           Oh well, I really am learning a lot. How to deal and how to cope with it. I’ve done my part, and all I need to do right now is to lie low and bear the pain of waiting and rejection. I can’t expect things to be all right again when the time hasn’t come yet. Things will be alright. That time will surely come. And there’s nothing I can do except wait for it, hoping and bearing all the things that come with it. God’s time shall surely come.
            But again, if our paths have separated already, then I can no longer do anything about it. Then I’ll continue down my own path, yet again on the search. I’m not looking for anyone right now, because I may not be ready, but whoever comes, will come. I’ll find something so much better in my future. God has given me so much goodness, and surely there will be more coming if I continue to believe and trust in Him.

"Should our paths cross yet again, I sincerely hope it will not be marred by the simple mistake of the past, but of the beginning of a second chance at a better friendship."